Welcome to 5th Grade

Robert Fulton School
 5th Grade Math Teacher
Room #212
Phone: 201-295-2900

Welcome! I hope you enjoyed your summer break. I am the 5th Grade homeroom teacher for Section 5-4. I am also the math teacher for sections 5-1, 5-4 and 5-5. My team teachers are Mrs. Pina (section 5-5) who teaches Science and Social studies and Mr. Mustafa (section 5-1) who teaches ELA.


Classes begin September 4 , 2024.Below are some steps you can take to prepare for the first day. If you have any questions, please contact me via email.



See back to schools slides below

Homeroom 212 Student Drop-off/Dismissal:
  • Entrance Door D-75th Street near Hudson Ave
  • Drop off at 8:40 AM students will be escorted to the classroom, where homeroom teachers will be waiting.
  • Pick Up at 2:55 PM at the same door.

Please follow security prompts for lining up outside, entering the building, and picking up students.

Get Supplies:

See my  class supply list  for details. Students will also need a school uniform and their school-issued chromebook and charger on the first day. If you are new to the District, refer to the Robert Fulton Homepage for information on where and when to obtain them.

Extra Help for Math is Wednesdays from 3:00-3:30 PM- students should come when they need help. Please make sure to fill out the Extra help Permission form in order for your child to stay. 


Google Classroom

We will be using Google Classroom as the primary source of information for parents and students. The Stream tab will contain notices and remainders.  The Classwork tab is where I post assignments, materials and resources. Students are expected to log in daily to read the Streams and complete assignments. Parents are encouraged to check often and to sign up for Google Classroom Email Alerts.

Subscribe: (Parents Only)

Text Messages: I'm using Remind Chat App to text parents notices and reminders and to communicate one-on-one. To sign up to receive and send me text messages, attached bellow are the instructions in English and Spanish on how to get the app on your phone and sign up for my messages.

Remind 101 English Instructions

Remind 101 Spanish Instructions


 To sign up to receive and send me text messages, download the app, and text the class code to 81010

     -  text @msinagaki to 81010

Teacher Website: By subscribing to my site, you will receive alerts whenever I update a page. I will also be able to email you as part of a subscriber list. The subscribe button is to the right above. 
Parent Portal: Please make sure your contact information is updated in the Parent Portal. This is where you will fill out school forms, monitor your child's academic progress, etc. If you need access or need help, contact the main office at 201-295-2900.