Sra. Santos

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Hello, my name is Señora Santos and I am entering my 7th year teaching Spanish at Robert Fulton Elementary School.  I was born in Galicia, Spain and raised in the USA.  I have completed my BA in Spanish and my Masters in Urban Education from New Jersey City University.  My goal is to enrich my student's cultural knowledge of Spanish speaking countries and help enhance the Spanish language. 
Parent involvement is a priority in my classroom.  During Virtual Learning, student's will be completing a project at the end of each marking period. Student's will be meeting me once a week through Google meet.  All Google Classroom codes are attached on my page.   I encourage parents to review Google Classroom for any updates. 
Assignments will be posted on Google Classroom and students are responsible to complete the work given.  
I look forward to working with you and your children and expect to have an exciting and successful school year.