Ellen Begbie » Meet The Teacher

Meet The Teacher

Meet The Teacher

My name is Ellen Begbie and this is my 22nd year teaching.   I am very excited to be your child’s Seventh Grade Resource Teacher. I believe all children can succeed and I look forward to helping your child have a fantastic year!!

A little personal information about myself. I am a licensed foster parent, and I have three beautiful children. My daughter’s name is Unity and I adopted her through foster care in 2017.  She is nine years old, and she came to us when she was two. Since after, my family and I were also blessed with two infants that are biological siblings. Noah is now three years old, and Hannah is two.

I am passionate when it comes to helping others. The Unity Bag Project/Program is something I developed in 2013 while becoming licensed as a foster care parent.  Unfortunately, most children that enter the system are removed under emergency circumstances and arrive with just the clothes on their backs. The Unity Bag Program gets our students involved and teaches them how to make a difference in the lives of others. We work together to raise awareness and put together Unity Bags that are given to children upon entering the foster care system.  Unity Bags are backpacks that are filled with age appropriate necessities that will comfort the child and help him/her get through that very first night. Participating in this project is very fulfilling to everyone involved, and as the school year progresses I will send home information with future details.

