Welcome to Mrs. Pina's Class
Name: Elizabeth Pina
Grade: 5-5
Classroom #:211
Subject Area: Science/Social Studies
Email: [email protected]
Please check my web page everyday to see what the class is doing.
Google Classroom: I use Google Classroom to post all assignments, announcements, and resources. To receive guardian email summaries on students' missing work, upcoming assignments, and all class activities I post, please text or email me "Add me to email summaries." Summaries can be set to daily or weekly or you can unsubscribe at any time. Note: Final grades for each assignment (if graded) are posted to the Parent Portal.
Parent Portal: Please monitor your child's progress weekly in Parent Portal. Make sure to look in Grade book and scroll down to see assignment details. “MIS” means the assignment was not turned in. Download the app for faster access and to get notified each time I enter grades.
Remind101: Sign up to receive timely text alerts and communicate with me. Download the free App