Ms. Panepinto Class Schedule
Specials Schedule
Monday- World Language
Tuesday- Gym
Wednesday- Music
Friday- Technology
Please take the survey in Realtime about continuing virtual school, or opting to have your child return to in school instruction.It is very important that you choose an option.Thank you for your input.
Parent Conferences
Please book your appointment on the parent portal. Conferences are Wednesday, 12/16 (9-3pm )and (7pm-9pm.) Thursday, 12/17 (9-3pm)
Thank you, and I look forward to meeting you.
Reflex Math
I am very excited to announce that I have been awarded a math grant for this school year.The program is called Reflex Math. It is a fact fluency game to sharpen fact skills.Please encourage your children to use this program as much as possible. It can be accessed from any device,even your phone! I have the link posted here as well as my Google Classroom.
spanepinto1 is the username and all passwords will be sent privately to your children.THANKS!!!! I am super excited to use this program.