
Attendance Officer: Maureen Ramirez
Main Number: 201-295-2902
Email Address: [email protected]
All absences must be reported to the attendance officer by an adult.
All students are allowed 18 Days of absences for the school year.
Absences are not excused, however, all medicals and special circumstances will be reviewed for justification of absences at the end of the school year.
A student who exceeds 18 days of absences for a specific class (Grades 5 - 8) may not receive credit for that class. A student who exceeds 18 days of the school year will be at risk of retention.
All "No Credit for the School Year" will be reviewed at the end of the school year.
All medical or reasons for absences must be sent to the Attendance Officer to receive justification for student's absence.
All students must login to Homeroom by 8:50 am Daily.
Grades 1 - 4 must sign in with their teacher on time during their respective classes
Grades 5 - 8 must be present for Homeroom and period attendance Daily on time.
All students must report back to class on time after their lunch break.
All absences are reported Daily, twice a day, automatically, when a student is absent for the Day or misses any of their respective classes.
Attendance is vital to the student receiving the best possible education during this unprecedented time. Any questions or concerns with the above information, please do not hesitate to contact your attendance officer