Los maestros tienen una gran influencia en la vida de los estudiantes, esta influencia puede ser positiva o
negativa y marcar sus vidas o afectar su futuro para siempre. por esa razón, como maestra, quiero tener
un impacto positivo en la vida de mis estudiantes que los ayude a desarrollarse y enfrentar los obstáculos
en su vida diaria. Como maestra bilingüe quiero que mis estudiantes se sientan orgullosos de sus raíces y
se conviertan en ciudadanos del mundo conscientes de la diversidad que los rodea.
Hoy en día los maestros tenemos que estar preparados para educar y cubrir las necesidades de todos
los estudiantes en el salon de clases. Haciendo uso de diferentes métodos de enseñanza que me permitan
cubrir los diferentes estilos de aprendizaje de mis estudiantes.
Particularmente soy de la filosofía de "aprender jugando" y por eso me gusta diseñar lecciones que
sean interesantes para que mis estudiantes aprendan el lenguaje inglés de una manera fácil y divertida.
Mi misión como maestra bilingüe esta enfocada en transmitir en mis estudiantes la pasión y el entusiasmo
por aprender el idioma ingles y permitirles descubrir lo maravilloso de ser bilingüe, de ser capaz de
comunicarse con dos mundos, interactuar con dos culturas y entender dos idiomas. Una vez los estudiantes
descubran los beneficios de aprender el idioma ingles ellos podrán usar esta destreza mas allá del salon de
clases y será su herramienta número uno para usar en sus vidas ahora y en el futuro.
Teachers have a great influence on the lives of their students, this influence can be both positive and
negative, affecting the life and future of these children. For that reason, as a teacher I want to influence
my students in a positive way that helps them in their daily challenges.
negative, affecting the life and future of these children. For that reason, as a teacher I want to influence
my students in a positive way that helps them in their daily challenges.
I want my students to become open-minded citizens and feel proud of their roots.
By teaching Bilinguals I want to help my students acquire the language in an easy, entertaining, and interesting
way that leads them to discover the wonderfulness of being bilingual, being able to communicate with two
worlds, two cultures and two languages.
way that leads them to discover the wonderfulness of being bilingual, being able to communicate with two
worlds, two cultures and two languages.
Today, teachers have to be prepared to handle different learning styles and meet the different needs of
students. To achieve this I have to plan and design lessons that are interesting, meaningful and fun using
different teaching methods to cover all the learning styles of my students.
students. To achieve this I have to plan and design lessons that are interesting, meaningful and fun using
different teaching methods to cover all the learning styles of my students.
My main mission as a teacher is to transmit and fill students with enthusiasm and passion to learn
the English language and to be able to interact with other cultures. Once students discover the benefits and
importance of acquiring a second language, they will be able to use what they have learned beyond the walls
of the classroom and it will remain as a useful tool in their present and future lives.
the English language and to be able to interact with other cultures. Once students discover the benefits and
importance of acquiring a second language, they will be able to use what they have learned beyond the walls
of the classroom and it will remain as a useful tool in their present and future lives.