Mrs. Nancy Uslu Morin » Helpful Parent Tips

Helpful Parent Tips

 Nurture the love of learning that your child already has. Start with just one idea -it's a step in the right direction. That's one way you can make a difference.

25 Ways Parents Can Motivate Children and Help Them Do Better in School:

  1. Teach your child to set goals.
  2. Talk about schoolwork every day.
  3. Recognize success and show how proud you are of your child.
  4. Remind your child that he/she can!
  5. Reward your child with your time.
  6. Motivate your child to write.
  7. Catch your child being good.
  8. Teach your child to set long-range goals.
  9. Help your child break large jobs into smaller tasks.
  10. Show your appreciation.
  11. Teach your child "positive self-talk" to increase confidence.
  12. Encourage your child to take part in an activity.
  13. Help your child see progress.
  14. Encourage your child's creative problem-solving and find solutions.
  15. Keep track of every book your child finishes. (Use our Super Reader Goal to help).
  16. Point out good role models in life or from the past.
  17. Play "Beat the Clock" for any task that causes your child to dawdle.
  18. Have your child compete against himself/herself.
  19. Teach your child to create positive mental pictures of success.
  20. Focus on success. Make a list of 10 of your child's successes each week.
  21. Listen to the messages you pass on to your child. Always be positive!
  22. Teach your child to "save dessert for last," which means to work on the tougher tasks first, then the easier ones.
  23. Share your own excitement about things with your child.
  24. Help your child see something he/she can be proud of -even in defeat.
  25. Praise your child -when it is deserved, specific, and sincere.
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